Monday, November 30, 2009

Greetings! First round of the Carolinas PGA Section Pro-Pro begins tomorrow. The first of nine tournaments in a two month stretch. The tournament tomorrow is the most fun of the year. We play alternate shot tomorrow, a scramble on Wednesday, and best ball on Thursday. It's the 17th straight year with Robert as my partner. We are competing against the young crowd this year after a playing in the senior division last year. It is supposed to rain all day Wednesday so we need to play well tomorrow in case the tourney is shortened due to weather. Will post tomorrow after round.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

73 yesterday to finish 6th. Not what I was looking for but at least getting into position to win. Usually the more you get in the final group the easier it gets to be successful the next time. I do not play again until December 1 when I play in the Carolinas PGA Section Pro-Pro. Then to Florida for two weeks and four events. Need to get in as good physical condition as possible to be ready for next year. Hope all of you are well! I look forward to seeing a lot of you over the Thanksgiving holidays. Take care.

Monday, November 16, 2009

68 today. One back with one round to go.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Greetings! Back for more punishment. Play in the Greensboro Senior Open beginning tomorrow. Ready to get back to the grind and keep trying to get better. Need to get stronger and more flexible for this upcoming year. Hope all of you are well. Will post after tomorrow's round.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sorry for the delay. No internet at airport in Houston last night and had lessons this morning. Shot 73 final round and missed by two shots. Had a lot of time to think about what transpired, what I could have done differently, and what I could have done better. Looking back I really feel good about the effort and the preparation. I wish I would have had more time in Houston before hand to prepare for those type of greens, but scheduling did not allow that. My first two rounds put me in a hole that would not allow any mistakes at all. The tough part is being so close.

It was an intense two weeks and I had a lot of thrills. The heart was pumping and I was able to stay still. The nerves held up with a lot of help, and was right there in both tournaments up until the end. A lot of things we cannot control and I am able to accept the final results. One shot the first week, and two shots the second week would have been a different outlook from where I sit. I have to just trust the outcome is the path that was chosen for me.

Not 100% sure at this writing what is next but I will keep you posted. Thanks so much for joining me on this first ride and for all the prayers. It was a special time and my faith was certainly strengthened through these trials. My hope is that the journey will continue to be as rewarding as it has been so far. God bless.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wow! What a ride! I know in my opening statement I said there will be good and bad days but I never expected this. 68 today. Totally different person out there today. I am humbled and excited to still be in the hunt. Any round in the 60's tomorrow should do it. These are by far the toughest greens to putt and read I have ever played. The scores should be very high tomorrow with the pin placements. Specific prayer is for me to be still tomorrow, and to be relaxed.

It has been an emotional rollercoaster the last two weeks. The number of text I have received has been 85 in the last two days alone. Honey, hope we are on the unlimited plan. Just kidding, they have meant a lot. Bev, your text was perfect timing this morning and I really appreciated it! I have to thank Robert for his timely swing tip yesterday afternoon when I was lost. This has been a definite team effort as you can see. Again, tomorrow's result is not in my hands. Regardless of the result, I pray that I will become smaller and He will become larger. Hope you all have a great evening and thanks for tuning in!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sorry to have to post this again today. Shot 74. I had nothing today. Had to fight all day just to stay somewhere in reach. I am definitely in trouble as far as qualifying. Have to find something by tomorrow. Have played well for quite a while but today just was not there. Irons were horrible today and worked some of that off practicing after playing. Need plenty of prayer and help the next two rounds. Not fun having to be this far back. Hope to have better news tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

OK. Had time to have my pity party for what happened today. I here to tell you ahead of time that God has a great day in store for tomorrow. This thing is bigger than me and tomorrow is hope. Golf is so much like life, you have your ups and downs but you always have to look forward. So no matter what happened today for you, tomorrow is going to be great. Do I hear a yes?
I see scores are not up yet. I did look at scores after I played because I needed to see how far back I was. I'm in about 20th place. There was only one score under 70.
Would like to give you better news but I shot 75 today. Extremely tough greens and pins today and I played well until the last two holes. That's the bad news, however the scores were high because of the diabolical pin placements. The greens were even faster and more firm than in the practice round. Its hard to describe what we went through today but it was intense.

It was so completely different from Florida greens that it is really tough to adjust to. Regardless, I really played well today and felt calm the entire day. I am very confident that the end result will be favorable. Scores will be posted on I play at 8:50 Houston time so post should come a little earlier than today. Thanks for checking in today and I will have better news tomorrow.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Greetings from Houston, Texas. Arrived at 8AM Houston time, checked in hotel and played my one practice round at Woodforest CC. Totally different conditions from last week. Last week was hot, and the greens where slow and grainy spongy bermuda. This week the temperature is perfect (75) and the greens are fast and firm. They are still Bermuda greens but not nearly as grainy.

Practice round went well and tee time tomorrow is 10:30AM. We are playing I believe for 9 spots. Scores may be posted at but it is hard to tell whether they will post or not. Since I do not like to look at scores after the tourney has started I'll just let you know how to find them afterwards. I'll try to post when I get back from round one and finished practice. Back is better so far. Hope all of you had a great day.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I shot 72 today and finished tied for 37th. Top 35 got into the Senior PGA Championship. I am an alternate and some people say I have a good shot at getting in, some not. I could feel sorry for myself but what I experienced this week leaves me feeling blessed. I was still and let God take care of the circumstances, no matter what was the result. I have a peace about what transpired and really felt I did the best I could and handled the pressure well. The Bermuda greens proved a little to tough for me to read. I felt I hit the ball well and putted well. It just didn't work out.

Thanks for all the text this week. It was one of the most special weeks of my life for all of the support. It certainly could have been a disaster early Friday morning but sitting where I am, the prayers worked. I was 100% sure it was over at 2AM that morning. It was a tough night and you could not convince me that prayers do not work. Thanks again for all you meant to me this week and remember, this was just week one of the journey!

Oh by the way. Tour Qualifying starts Tuesday and my back just this afternoon feels good. You guys are the best.